2025 Leadership Board

(From left: Dennis Adams, Jay Ford, Randee Hunter, Rob McKenney, Jean Childers, Cheryl Worley, Alan Addis, Sally Robinson, Jeff Allen, Beverley Steynberg, Tim Heaven)
To contact the members of the Leadership Board, please email leadership@indianrun.org
The driving purposes of the Leadership Board are as follows:
  1. Support the Mission of IRUMC by strategically advance the ministry of the church.
  2. Set priorities to support the mission and vision of the church.
  3. Align resources to support missional priorities.
  4. Assess the ministry environment, community needs, and resources for missional ministry.
  5. Maintain clear lines of communication with the congregation.
  6. Recruit and deploy task forces to address needs that arise in their areas of responsibility.
  7. Guide the Lead Pastor and hold the Lead Pastor accountable to their leadership in the church, including monitoring their performance, advising them on staffing decisions, and performing their annual evaluation.
  8. Confer with the District Superintendent as needed about the clergy leadership for the congregation.
Members of the Leadership Board serve three-year terms and are elected annually at the Church Conference in the fall. If you are interested in serving on the Leadership Board, please complete a Leadership Board Application and submit it to the church office.