Sunday School Volunteer Links

New volunteers can contact Laura for training before signing up. 
Indian Run’s Sunday Morning programming for ages 3—5th grade, where children experience God’s word through an exciting curriculum called ORANGE. It includes Bible story, games, activities, creative writing, drawing projects and music. ORANGE is simple. It’s a strategy. It starts with
two individual influences in a child’s life: Home + Church. Alone, these two work hard to ensure that every child
has a better future.  But, when they’re combined, the
home and church will have a greater impact.

The curriculum is repeated at both the 9am & 10:30am services, to allow your family to to choose which service time works best.



Trained, experienced nursery staff is available to care for your child(ren) ages six weeks to three years during both worship services at Indian Run.  Our competent, caring staff and loving volunteers provide a clean, safe environment for infants and toddlers, who will have
many opportunities to interact with other children,
play with toys and hear about how God loves them.   Parents are then free to attend worship, participate
in a small group or Sunday school class, or volunteer
their time within the church knowing that their children
are happy and well cared for in the nursery.
VBS 2025
Save the Date:
June 16-20


It takes many hands and willing hearts to support our children and their programs at Indian Run!  As a congregation, we are partners in the Christian education
of all children who attend Indian Run. You are encouraged and invited to serve on Sunday mornings in Children’s Ministries. Teens through senior citizens and everyone
in between are welcome to serve. (You will be required to complete a background authorization and other paperwork in accordance with our safe sanctuary policy.)
Interested in joining the team? Contact Laura
Current Volunteers: Sign Up Here.
Please contact Laura Rosman
Director of Children’s Ministry
Sunday School Teacher/Shepherd Sign UpSafe Sanctuary
We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all who participate in our ministries. We abide by the West Ohio Conference Safe Sanctuary Policies which sets forth procedures for all of those serving in our ministries, including paid and unpaid, to ensure the physical, emotional and spiritual safety of all of our children, youth, and vulnerable adults. A copy of our policy is available in the church office.